Parking and Location Registration

1. Introduction

This guide provides instructions on how to register new parking locations in the Swyft Valet system. Correctly registering a location ensures that the parking operations for that venue can proceed smoothly, with all relevant data properly stored and accessible.

2. Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Access the Location Registration Section
• In the Swyft Valet web portal, navigate to the ‘Locations’ section from the main dashboard.
• Select ‘Add New Location’ to begin the registration process.

Step 2: Enter Location Details
• Fill in the required fields with the following information:
– Location Name (e.g., Hotel ABC Valet Parking)
– Address
– Parking capacity (number of available spaces)
– Additional details (any special notes about the location)
• Double-check that all details are accurate before proceeding.

Step 3: Save the Location
• Once all details are entered, click ‘Save’ to complete the registration of the new parking location.
• The location is now registered and available for use in the Swyft Valet system.

3. Conclusion

Properly registering parking locations in the Swyft Valet system ensures that all operations for the venue are recorded accurately. By following these steps, you guarantee that the parking capacity and location details are set up for seamless operation.