
1. Introduction

This guide provides instructions on setting up and using printers within the Swyft Valet system. Printers are used to generate valet tickets, payment receipts, and reports, making them an essential part of day-to-day valet operations.

2. Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Set Up the Printer
• Connect the printer to the Swyft Valet system, either via a USB cable or wirelessly if supported.
• Ensure that the printer drivers are installed and the device is recognized by the system.

Step 2: Configure Printer Settings
• Access the ‘Printer Settings’ section within the Swyft Valet system.
• Set the printer as the default device for printing tickets and receipts. Ensure that the paper size and format are correctly configured.

Step 3: Print Valet Tickets and Receipts
• During check-in or payment processing, the system will prompt the printer to generate a valet ticket or receipt.
• Verify that the printout is clear and includes all necessary information, such as guest details, vehicle information, and transaction details.

Step 4: Troubleshoot Printing Issues
• If the printer fails to print, check the connection, paper supply, and ink or toner levels.
• Restart the printer and ensure it is set as the default device in the system. If problems persist, contact technical support.

3. Conclusion

Printers are essential for generating valet tickets, receipts, and reports within the Swyft Valet system. By following these steps, valet staff can ensure smooth printing operations and resolve any issues efficiently.